Research Article
The Impact of AI on Healthcare Jobs: Will Automation Replace Doctors
Manisha Sharma*
Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2024
20 September 2024
11 October 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare has sparked considerable debate regarding its impact on the workforce, particularly concerning the roles of healthcare professionals such as doctors. This article explores the potential for AI-driven automation to replace certain medical tasks traditionally performed by physicians, as well as the broader implications for employment in the healthcare sector. While AI has demonstrated significant capabilities in areas like diagnostics, data analysis, and even surgical assistance, its role is largely seen as complementary rather than substitutive. Many experts argue that AI will enhance the efficiency and accuracy of medical practices rather than eliminate the need for human doctors. Moreover, the implementation of AI in healthcare is expected to create new roles focused on managing, interpreting, and improving AI systems, thereby shifting the nature of healthcare jobs rather than reducing their number. However, concerns about the potential for job displacement and the need for reskilling within the medical profession remain. This article concludes that while AI will inevitably alter the landscape of healthcare employment, it is unlikely to replace doctors entirely. Instead, it will transform the profession, requiring a new set of skills and a reimagining of the doctor-patient relationship.
Abstract: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare has sparked considerable debate regarding its impact on the workforce, particularly concerning the roles of healthcare professionals such as doctors. This article explores the potential for AI-driven automation to replace certain medical tasks traditionally performed by physicians, as ...
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Research Article
How Software Quality May End World Hunger
Gilberto Joao Pavani*
Lucas Ferreira Pavani
Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2024
11 October 2024
4 November 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: Software Quality could end world hunger by producing better quality software, as the total cost generated by poor software quality in the U.S. amounted to $2.08 trillion in 2020, while the director of the United Nations' World Food Program stated in 2021 that it would take approximately $40 billion a year to end world hunger by 2030. As the cost of food is the leading cause of 828 million people sleeping hungry around the globe, Software Quality can significantly contribute in several ways to its reduction by producing more profitable software, so that companies may be able to invest the surplus resources in other areas such as food production, as well as in the development of specific software that reduces overall losses in planting, harvesting, transporting and storing food, contributing to the reduction of its final market price, which in turn will allow the access of a greater number of people to the nutrients necessary for their day-to-day sustenance. Thus, there is a need to gather the initiatives presented in this work to allow the global quantification of losses, enabling rapid decision making for their reduction, as well as improving the functionality of these software programs with the use of artificial intelligence techniques.
Abstract: Software Quality could end world hunger by producing better quality software, as the total cost generated by poor software quality in the U.S. amounted to $2.08 trillion in 2020, while the director of the United Nations' World Food Program stated in 2021 that it would take approximately $40 billion a year to end world hunger by 2030. As the cost of...
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